Bullet Journal

My Ideal Daily Routine

This spread is an easy way to streamline your days. It also gives you an an outline to refer to whenever your days start to feel unorganized, or you feel there isn’t enough time in a day.

Now, when I say this is my ideal day, I mean a realistic ideal day. Because my true IDEAL day would involve sleeping in and not going to work, But unfortunately that’s not possible. I actually think it’s more beneficial to keep your timeline realistic. If you know you hate to workout, don’t include 2 hours for working out everyday. It’s setting yourself up to be disappointed when more days than not you don’t complete your goal.

It’s really easy to make your own. Make a time line of the hours in a day you are awake (or try to be awake). And then go in and start marking off when you’d like to do things. I suggest starting with the things that don’t change much, like when you have to be at work, go to lunch, and then leave work. Then decide what your ideal wake-up and bedtimes are. Now you can clearly see how many hours you have available to do whatever it is you need to do. How long does it take you to do your hair and make-up? Do you have time to work out in the morning or after work? This is where you need to evaluate what’s been working for you and what hasn’t been. For me, I realized I was late to work more than I was on time. The amount of time I spend on my hair, make-up, making coffee, and getting dressed really doesn’t change much, so I knew I needed to start waking up earlier if I wanted to be on time. Seeing it written down made me realize this and I’ve already done a better job waking up earlier in the mornings.

Writing out your ideal routine makes it easy to focus on what you should be doing, instead of worrying if you have enough time. Of course, things will come up and your days will never be perfect. That’s just life. But having a schedule will help in those situations as well. This as might be something you need to evaluate every couple of months. But give it a try in your bullet journal and let me know how you like it!