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I’m so excited to share this post with y’all today! I’ve been using my Passion Planner for almost two months now, and I think I’ve used it enough to really share my opinion with y’all, plus some tips of how I’ve been using it! In this post I’m going to give y’all a basic description of what a Passion Planner is, how I use it as a blogger, and then I’ll walk you through the different sections and how to use them.
If you use the code RAE10 to buy a Passion Planner, you’ll get 10% off!
What is a Passion Planner?
According to Passion Planner’s website, “Passion Planner is the one place for all your thoughts. It’s more than just a planner—it’s a tool that helps you break down your short and long-term goals and incorporate them into your daily life. It has been designed to encourage you to plan for the future, reflect on the past, but most importantly, act on the present.”
Passion Planner has many features that typical planners don’t have. The coolest thing about Passion Planners is they allow space for planning the future – like years into the future. They also draw your attention back to these goals on a monthly and weekly basis so you don’t lose track of your big goals.
One of my favorite features of the Passion Planner that I feel sets it apart from other planners is the paper quality. I’ve never had a planner with paper this smooth and thick before (120GSM). There’s is no ghosting and every pen I’ve used feels amazing on it!
How I Use My Passion Planner
If you’ve been on my blog for any amount of time, you’ll probably know that I use a bullet journal. And I’m pretty passionate about it! BUT my bullet journal was not fulfilling all of my planner needs. I’ve never liked planning or tracking blog stuff in my bullet journal, so for the past year I tried keeping a separate Blog Bullet Journal. I found it to be too time consuming to set-up TWO bullet journals every month, and it was affecting my productivity when it came to working on my blog. I wasn’t keeping any sort of schedule, I just did work whenever I thought about, and it was a mess. So when I started to see Passion Planners on Instagram I was super intrigued. It seemed like the perfect solution for my problem.
My original plan was to use the Passion Planner ONLY for Rae’s Daily Page stuff (blog, Instagram, Pinterest, content, etc) and be purely functional, but y’all know I couldn’t resist making it cute! So while it is mainly for RDP, I do put other things from my day. It’s actually working out well to have it be a bit of both, because I’ve transitioned my bullet journal to more memory planning and reflections instead of future planning. I’ll show y’all examples of each type of spread because some are still only functional, but the weekly spreads are definitely decorated.
Passion Roadmap

A Passion RoadMap is at the beginning of every Passion Planner. This is the hub for your big goals for right now through the future. You can see they tell you exactly how to use it, but basically you write down your goals for different time frames (3 months, 1 year, 3 years, and lifetime) and then you choose your “Game Changer.” Your Game Changer is the goal that is most important for you to achieve and will have the most positive effect on your life. I made my Game Changer to achieve 20,000 monthly page views on my blog. The reason I chose this as my game changer is because most of the other goals will come along with it.
*Also, I wrote 2,500 Instagram followers down for my 3 month goal and then I had over 3,000 in less than a month after I wrote it, so I’m not saying this planner is magic, but I’m not NOT saying it’s magic.
Passion Planner Monthly Calendar

I use the monthly calendar in my Passion Planner for planning my content for the month. I keep it as clean and simple as possible, with minimal distractions. This spread is purely function for me. I also make a goals mind map with my goals for the whole month. I color code blog posts (pink) and Instagram posts (green) so I know exactly what needs to be posted each day. It’s really been helping me to plan out my content this way.

Passion Planner Weekly Spreads

The weekly spreads are easily my favorite part of the Passion Planner! They are SO functional, while giving you plenty of freedom. I use the Today’s Priority box for the blog post I’m uploading that day. I write down all my Instagram posts and highlight them the same color. I usually like to use the Space of Infinite Possibilities for a goals mindmap, but it’s also a great place for a quote or some doodles. I love that there’s two separate to-do lists so I can keep work and personal completely separate. And for actually planning out your days, it’s broken down into 30 minute time slots from 6am-10:30pm.
Additional Pages
At the back of the Passion Planner there are 20 blank pages and 20 dotted pages. I’ve used some of my dotted pages to create trackers for my blog. The rest of the pages will be for brainstorming, brain dumps, ideas, etc.
Blog Income Tracker

Blog Statistics Tracker

Blog Expenses Tracker

My Favorite Passion Planner Supplies
A lot of my favorite Passion Planner supplies are also my favorite bullet journal supplies, BUT there are quite a few different ones.
- Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pens– These are an all-time favorite, but I especially love them in my Passion Planner. The small brush tips makes them the perfect size for small handlettering in weekly spreads
- Stabilo Fineliners– I have this set and it’s great if you want to use different colored pens. I love the way they write on Passion Planner paper (so smooth!), and it’s such a good price for how many pens you get!
- Happy Planner Sticker Books– Okay, why did I not know until this year that these existed?! I’m OBSESSED with them. They have the cutest stickers and you get SO MANY! They really make creating a weekly spread so simple because you can easily find matching stickers within the books. Don’t ever pay full price for them! They go on sale all the time at Michael’s and they’re usually cheap on Amazon. My favorites so far: Homebody, Color Story 4, and Flowers.
- X-Acto knife– This is a necessity for cutting washi tape and getting it to line up perfectly! Just be careful to not cut too hard or you’ll cut the actually planner page
- Mildliners– These are perfect for adding some color to your weekly spreads. I highlight pretty much everything I write down. They’re great for color-coding!
Final Thoughts
I am so happy I decided to try out Passion Planner this year! It’s been a great addition to my planner line-up. It’s so beneficial to not only my blog, but also having more productive days in general! The layouts are different from any other planner I’ve tried, the paper quality is great, and there’s so much room for personalization!