Hey guys! Sorry for being MIA the past week. We finally moved into our new house this Monday and things have just been crazy with all the packing, cleaning, moving, and unpacking. But we’re starting to settle in and had a crazy productive week, so I’m back! I’m still working on my April bullet journal set-up and it should be up on the blog Monday. But for now let’s talk favorites!

New house! Obviously. It is so nice and honestly it is worth the longer drive to work. We are loving having a NEW (like actually brand new) house with some more space. I’m excited to start decorating it and really making it feel like our home.

Jane the Virgin- The Final Season! Do y’all watch Jane the Virgin? I love it! The final season just started airing and I’m so excited, but also sad that it’s coming to an end. They left season 4 on a crazy cliff hanger so I had been anxiously waiting for it to start back up.

Friends. Other than Jane the Virgin, I’ve been re-watching all of Friends (for the millionth time). It’s such a good show to keep on in the background while I’m working on other things. And since I’ve seen it so many times, even if i don’t pay attention I can still pick up in the middle of an episode.

The Act. Okay somehow this turned into my favorite TV shows, but this is another really good one that just started. It’s a Hulu original based on Dee Dee and Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Do y’all remember that? The mom, Dee Dee, convinced the whole world(and Gypsy, her daughter) that Gypsy was sick( and paralyzed) but there was actually nothing wrong with her! And then the daughter murdered her mom. CRAZY stuff. This show is doing a great job portraying the events. It makes me so uncomfortable while I’m watching it, but then I can’t wait to watch more.
NadaMoo Ice Cream. I’m still going strong with the less dairy thing, and I’ve found some things that make me not even miss dairy. This ice cream (made with coconut milk) is one of them. It is SO GOOD. I got the cookies and cream flavor and I really can’t get over how good it is. I found it at Whole Foods and it wasn’t exactly cheap, but I’d say it’s worth it if you’re in need of a treat.
We’ve got a lot on our calendars for April and there’s some pretty exciting things to look forward to. This weekend we have a wedding to go to and some more unpacking and organizing. In a couple weeks it’ll be my 24th birthday, some time off work for Good Friday and Easter, and a weekend trip to Austin, TX. I’ll be wrapping up my wedding series on the blog, and I have some other fun things planned to share. I have a feeling April is going to be a FAVORITE month for sure.