Happy Friday everyone! I’m so glad the weekend is finally (basically) here. I had another good week. We’ve really been loving our new house and getting settled in. I’m planning on having my family over next week for my birthday so I’ve been trying to get everything into place. One quick first favorite is the floors in this house, which you can see being modeled by our cat, Charles. I love the look of it and I’ve started using it as a background for some of my pictures. Also, this house gets a ton of natural light which I love.
Local Natives dropped another single from their new album. It’s a bit of a different sound for them, but I’m really digging it. I’m ready for the whole album to come out!
Cascadian Farms Cinnamon Crunch is basically Cinnamon Toast Crunch with less sugar and ingredients, and organic. It’s actually made by General Mills so I get the feeling it basically is the same, but healthier. It’s really good and I feel less guilty eating it.
I used to always gets the Calfia Farms Almond milk but I recently starting getting Silk Almond Coconut Milk and I really like the blend of almond and coconut milk. And it doesn’t hurt that it’s a little cheaper

I saw these Game of Throne Oreos at Target and I just had to get a pack for my dad who is OBSESSED with GoT. And of course I had to pick up a pack for myself because who doesn’t love Oreos. And fun fact: Oreos are dairy free! Which totally makes them healthy, right?
Our dining table I ordered from Target finally came in! I had originally ordered it for in store pick-up several weeks ago, but they canceled the order for some reason. I reordered and it came in yesterday. It’s the perfect size and the exact look I was going for. My favorite part is the bench. I still need to find to black chairs though.