I am so excited to finally share with y’all my Guide to Modern Calligraphy and Handlettering! I have been working on the guide and my shop for a few months, and it’s finally ready. I really hope you guys like it as much as I do!
What’s In The Guide?

My guide to Modern Calligraphy teaches you how to create my THREE styles of calligraphy and handlettering. It’s over 30 pages long. I go over the basics of calligraphy, techniques, and my favorite supplies. Then I go in-depth on each of my styles, walking you through every letter. There are over 20 practice pages of letters and words. Practice words include days of the week, months, and other useful words.
This guide is perfect if you’re getting into bullet journaling and want to improve your calligraphy. Or if you’re planning a wedding (I used calligraphy to address all my invitations). Or if you just want to learn a new skill!

The guide will normally be $12, but I’m giving y’all a coupon code for $2 off. So you can get the guide for only $10! Use the code RDP2. The code expires on August 8th so make sure to take advantage of it while you can!
*This guide is a digital product. You will receive an instant download after you purchase and will be able to print it out. I HIGHLY recommend this printer paper for the best results with brush pens, but feel free to use any paper you have.
If you have any questions about the guide, or would like more information, please send me an email at rae@raesdailypage.com