After all the fun Christmas spreads in December, I had a hard time coming up with a theme for January. I saw quite a few fireworks and champagne ideas, and while they’re super cute and fun, I wanted to something different. Whenever I get stuck on a theme idea I like to write out the name of the month and draw out my calendar and weekly spreads. I don’t let my lack of a theme get be behind. So that’s exactly what I did this month, and after I had that written out the idea came to me: baking!
Usually January is a time when people are focusing on all things health-related. People are leaving the baked goods in December and starting over with healthier options. I wasn’t going to let this deter me though because one of my New Year’s Resolutions is to bake more! I got a new cook book for Christmas and I’m ready to start trying some new things in the kitchen.
Supplies Used
Cover Page
After being stuck and uninspired for the month, this ended up being such a fun page to make! When in doubt, fill the page with a bunch of doodles
Quote Page
Once I picked the baking theme, I knew I wanted to do a quote page to go with all the doodles. Once again, I had a hard time finding a quote that related to baking, without being too cheesy. So after quite a bit of scrolling on Pinterest I saw something similar to this that inspired me. It was perfect for the start of a new year AND because I happen to love macarons.

I guess I was just all around struggling this month, y’all. I did the whole calendar with January 2018 dates! So that’s why there’s an extra Monday on there. I went ahead and drew circles over the original numbers and rewrote the CORRECT numbers with my white uni-ball signo pen.

We’re just keeping it simple for the first few weeks of the year. Weekly spreads don’t have to be elaborate to be useful. This gives me plenty of space to write in notes for everyday and keep track of a few goals. Instead of doing monthly habit trackers, I decided to just put them at the bottom of each day since I didn’t have too many. This month I’m tracking how many days I spin(stationary bike), do a workout video(usually Blogilates), don’t spend any money, and post on Instagram.

I’m really making an effort to track my budget this year. Being newly married comes with some fun new expenses, like health insurance. So it’s important to keep track of everything.
So, January obviously wasn’t the perfect spread. There was a few bumps in the road, but that’s just part of bullet journaling. I try not to stress too much about the mistakes, because as long as it’st still functional as a planner that’s all the matters.

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