I don’t know how it happened, and I definitely didn’t mean to, but I use THREE planners. And I kind of love it.
Using multiple planners has a lot of benefits! No one planner will ever be quite perfect for any given person. By using multiple planners you can come up with a system that covers all of your planner needs!
And you might be thinking “isn’t that what a bullet journal is for?” Essentially, yes. You can make a bullet journal be anything you want! You can have weekly spreads, habit trackers, meal planning, etc. BUT bullet journals do take time. And the goal of a planner that works for you is to help you be more productive and efficient with your time. So if a bullet journal isn’t totally working for you, don’t feel bad! You can always use other planners for your day-to-day.
Another benefit is having a good alibi if you’re ever framed for a crime!
Kidding. But really, I can tell you exactly where I was any given day from the past 2 years, plus what I ate, what I ordered online, what I got from Starbucks, etc.
Of course, I look for any excuse to buy more stationery and notebooks, so while a multiple planner system works for me, I know it’s not for everyone! BUT if you haven’t found your perfect planner yet, keep reading anyway!
My Planner Line-Up
- Bullet Journal
- Passion Planner
- Happy Planner
Bullet Journal

I’ve been using a bullet journal for over two years now. It’s the main reason I started this blog. And I have a whole bullet journal Instagram account. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon, but it has definitely evolved over the years. Which is what makes the bullet journal system so great! It changes and grows with you.

This year my bullet journal has been used as a memory planner. I recap the basics of my day + some interesting anecdotes I might want to remember, but I don’t use it much for future planning. I also keep my recaps very brief and surface level.
I have so many bullet journal resources on my blog if you’re interested in starting your own (just click the bullet journal category), but here’s a couple to get you started:
Passion Planner
I just published a review post explaining how I use my Passion Planner! But basically my Passion Planner is for my blog/Instagram and planning events and tasks. I use my Passion Planner every single day and it has been life-changing for my productivity!
Happy Planner

My Happy Planner was bought 100% on a whim. I went into Michael’s to get some Happy Planner sticker books to use in my Passion Planner because they were 50% off and before I knew it, I was picking out a Happy Planner! I couldn’t get over how cute the cover and all the illustrations were. Most Happy Planners have a vertical layout, but I got the horizontal layout.
I use my Happy Planner as a journal. This is where I dive deeper into my thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I’ll elaborate something that happened on a particular day, but sometimes it’s just how I’ve been feeling. I’ve always avoided putting too many “feelings” in my bullet journal, so it’s really nice to have a place where I can get those thoughts out of my head and onto paper.
So I use three planners- a bullet journal for memory planning, a Passion Planner for blogging and day-to-day tasks, and a Happy Planner as a journal.
Do you use multiple planners? What planners do you use? Or do you think I’m crazy to have three planners?!