Happy Friday, y’all! Christmas season is in full swing! I have packages showing up everyday, Hallmark Channel is on all the time, and I have all of my Christmas decorations up!

I got my Christmas tree last year and I am still so in love with it. It’s the first flocked tree I’ve ever had and I love how pretty it looks without having to do much to it! I got the Prince Flock, but I think in the future I’d like to get the King Flock to have a fuller tree.

Every year I like to get a real wreath (to make up for the fake tree). Usually I get one from Trader Joe’s, but this year I got one from Whole Foods. I just put a big red bow on it and called it a day.

I mentioned last week that we don’t have a mantle to hang our stocking on, so I had to improvise. I got this wall rack/shelf from Amazon and I love the way it looks with our stockings. Also, yes the 3 little stockings are for my cats and dog (Luke, Charles, and Dolly). The stockings are from Target, the Joy is from Target a couple years ago, and the Santa came from Hobby Lobby. And if you look closely you can see our Christmas card from last year. I’m still trying to figure out how to get a picture with the cats AND the dog this year!

I got the green blanket from Target and it’s SO SOFT. The pillow covers came from Amazon. They we super inexpensive, but they look and feel great! The little pillows also came from Target (are y’all seeing a theme yet?)

My bullet journal is also decked out for Christmas! Check out my post of all my December spreads.

As it’s gotten colder out, I’ve been craving Chai Lattes again. This stuff is SO good. You just mix it with milk (I use almond milk) and you can have it hot or cold! I found it at Target, but I’m sure you can find it at other grocery stores.

I got this candle for $6 from Wal-Mart and it seriously smells SO GOOD. Like better than some Bath & Body Works candles, and it doesn’t burn nearly as fast as they do. They’re a local company, so I’m not sure they’ll be at all Wal-Marts, but if you see them do yourself a favor and smell Cream Brulee. So good!