Okay first and foremost, how on earth is it February already? I’m not sure where January went, but here we are in February. Second, what a week this has been. This is my first “busy season” at work and it’s kind of been kicking my butt the past few weeks. It’s seems like I’ll have a bit of a break now that January is over, but I know this is really only the beginning. Regardless, I still found some things that I loved this week.
- Essential Oil Diffuser- I’m not sure what made me decide to finally try out an essential oil diffuser, but I’m glad I did! We used the last of our Bed Bath and Beyond giftcards (from our wedding registry) to buy this one. Honestly, if I didn’t have the giftcard I would’ve ordered one of these other ones off Amazon, but the one at Bed Bath and Beyond was just so pretty. And I have no complaints about it other than the price. I’ve been using it every night with a little eucalyptus and lavender oil and it’s been very pleasant. I like that it adds a little moisture to the air when we have the heat running at night.
2. Lunchbox- I saw this lunchbox at Target and had to get it. It’s super cute and it’s the perfect size for what I need, but my favorite part it the handles are long enough to put over my shoulder with my purse.
3. I picked up some gummy multivitamins for Trader Joe’s this week on a whim. I’ve never been a big vitamin person, so I figured starting with a plain multivitamin would be a good way to ease me in. SO far I’ve remembered to take them every day this week!
4. Wedding Pictures (kind of)- Okay so it’s been three months since we got married and we still hadn’t gotten wedding pictures, but apparently the photographer is having a problem uploading them. SO she sent me a link this week with SOME of the pictures and more should show up everyday. I’m excited to finally start seeing them! Once I get enough I’ll be sharing a few with y’all on here and making a fun little announcement!
5. Cuddles with kitties- Alright, so this is a not-favorite and a favorite. Our sweet little outside kitty has been missing for two weeks now, which is very unusual. She’s come to our house every day for almost 3 years now. We’ve really been missing her, but it’s made us appreciate our two inside kitties even more. That with the cold weather has led to lots of kitty cuddles lately.

What were some of y’alls favorites this week?