- 100 Followers on bullet journal Instagram- this may not seem like much to some of you, but this is actually the first Instagram account I’ve had. It’s been a little over a month now and I’m happy that I’ve been able to get 100 followers
- White Gelly Roll Pens– I like these so much more that the Uni Ball Signo white gel pen. They’re great for whiting out small mistakes.
- The Good Place- We finally started watching The Good Place and I LOVE it. We started on Saturday and we’re already on Season 3. It’s so funny and wholesome. We’re trying to get caught up since new episodes started back up last night.
- The sun! After weeks of gloomy, rainy weather the sun finally came out this past weekend and we’ve had beautiful weather here all week. It hasn’t been too cold or too warm. It’s just perfect. And you definitely have to enjoy it while it lasts because it can change at any minute.
- Thanks to the beautiful weather we’ve been experiencing, I have been taking walks on my lunch break every day this week. Although I work downtown, there’s an adorable neighborhood next to my office that I love walking through. It’s nice to get out of the office and get some fresh air, and it helps get some extra steps in.
- Champion C9 Shorts from Target- I thought I wanted some Nike Pro shorts but after trying them on I found the 3 inch a tad too short and the 5 inch an awkward length. These shorts from Target were the perfect length at 4 inches, the material is softer, and they’re cheaper (only $17).

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