For February I decided to base my theme on the TV show Twin Peaks. It’s such a weird/good show, with some beautiful scenery. My sister introduced me to the show and her birthday is in February, so I thought it’d be a good time to do the theme. I know there’s probably a bunch of you out there that haven’t seen the show or don’t like it, so I tried to make it work for y’all as well. You can focus more on mountains and the Pacific Northwest and leave out the Twin Peaks signs and quotes.
Cover Page
My cover page was inspired by the opening title scene from Twin Peaks. This was my first time using watercolor for a large picture like this. I definitely didn’t know all the tricks, but I’m pleased it’s how it turned out. I used my Tombow Dual Brush Pens and my Pentel Aquash Brush to create it.

For the monthly page I decided to draw some plain mountains. This theme can still work for you even if you don’t watch/like Twin Peaks. It also works as a good mountain/PNW theme.

Habit Tracker
I’m trying a new style habit tracker this month. This style appealed to me because it looks nice and minimal, and I didn’t have to write out the dates for every habit I wanted to track (the main reason I stopped using habit trackers for awhile). This month I’m tracking how many days I spin on my stationary bike, do a workout video, don’t spend any money (on unnecessary purchases), make it to work on time (which has been a real struggle for me ever since the holidays), walk on my lunch break, journal, post on the blog, and post on instagram.

One Line a Day
This is another new thing I’m trying for February. I did something similar in December called the Nice List where I wrote something good that happened every day. This won’t necessarily be a good thing that happens everyday, just one line that summarizes my day.

For my weekly spreads, I’m going back to two page spreads, but I’m keeping the date sections smaller and I’ve added space for notes, a shopping list, and a to-do list. I think this will be a bit more useful since I don’t usually have specific days I need to get things done, but rather a list of to-dos for the week.

My favorite part about bullet journaling is changing the theme every month. It challenges me to try new techniques to portray different themes. What’s your theme for February? Let me know in the comments!