Yesterday was my 25th birthday. And while I’ve never necessarily pictured what my 25th birthday would look like, but it definitely wasn’t this.
It’s weird having a birthday in quarantine. You can’t go out to eat or see your friends and family. But my husband was so sweet and made the day really special for me.
On a really personal note, I had a rough week leading up to my birthday. My grandmother passed away on Monday and it’s been a hard time. That’s another thing that’s really hard when you’re supposed to be self isolating. You can’t have a funeral and you can’t hug all your family members.
But on a more positive note, Taylor was really great this week. On my birthday I woke up to donuts, Starbucks, and a huge pile of presents! Notice the already missing donut- I couldn’t wait!
He got me some of my favorite things! Happy Planner stickers, Tombow Dual Brush Pens, a new pack of Zebra Mildliners, a new blanket, and cute little containers.
My mom dropped off a present and a cookie cake! Because what’s a birthday without a cake? (And yes, cookie cake counts)
I spent the rest of the day journaling, playing Animal Crossing, and hanging out. We finished the night with take-out Mexican food and a movie! It ended up being a really great day, and I’m sure I’ll always remember this birthday.
I hope you all are doing well during this time! Thanks for sticking around and reading my blog! I really appreciate y’all.