We are heading to Carlsbad California next week for a golf training thing for Taylor! I’m super excited because I’ve never been to California, but also a little nervous since it’s been awhile since I’ve flown. It’s a super short trip, so I’ve decided to back only in a carry-on so I won’t have to deal with checking a bag. I got this backpack off of Amazon (after a LOT of browsing) and I think it will be the perfect size for my needs.
First of all, it’s super cute. Like who knew backpacks had gotten so cute since I finished school. It seems to be really good quality. The fabric is thick and sturdy. It’s also pretty affordable, because I don’t know how often I’ll need to use it. And most importantly, it can fit a ton of stuff. I love that the top opens wide and has enough structure to stay open. There’s also pockets for a laptop and iPad (or bullet journal), and smaller pockets for your phone, lip balm, headphones, or anything small.

I love to use my bullet journal to plan for trips. I usually do a packing list, itinerary, and a list of restaurants/places to check out. My packing list is pretty small, but I still wanted to make sure I wasn’t forgetting anything. I haven’t filled in the itinerary yet, but I’ll include all my flight information and then probably some general ideas of what I want to do. If any of y’all have ever been to Carlsbad before let me know what I should check out! I have all day Tuesday to explore while Taylor is doing his thing.

In an effort to keep things minimal, but still have options, I thought dresses were my best bet. I brought a super casual shift dress that I can wear either day, a maxi dress that could be good when we go out to dinner, and this cute top I got from TJ Maxx. Since I’ll be wearing my jean shorts on the plane they’re not pictured. I’m also bringing two t-shirts/tank tops and a bathing suit.

This is everything packed from the picture plus two t-shirts. There’s still plenty of room to add a sweater and any last minute additions.
Here’s some similar options to the clothes I mentioned. Everything I’m bringing is either old or from TJ Maxx.