It’s really hard to get a bullet journal to last exactly one year. Most of the time you’ll run out of pages until you get to the end of the year. The good news is, it’s not the end of the world when this happens. You just start a new one! So I’m starting a new bullet journal for October.
What Journal to Use?
I got another Archer & Olive because I can’t imagine using anything else. Check out my full review on their notebooks. Of course, if you weren’t 100% happy with the journal you used, now is the perfect time to try something new! Some other popular brands are: Scribbles That Matter, Leuchtturm1917, Rhodia, and Dingbats.
What spreads to include?

When I set up a mid-year journal, I don’t transfer ALL of my annual spreads. I’ll keep my other journal out until the end of the year so I can flip back if need be. I stuck to the few essential spreads: future log, wish list, and end of the year goals.

The future log is for important dates and appointments that you know about ahead of the time. You can refer to this spread when you set up your monthlies to make sure you don’t forget anything.

This wish list is something I actually didn’t have in my old journal, but found myself wanting it. This is an ongoing list for things that I either want/need that I’m not going to get quite yet, but that I want to keep track of. I find this helps me from making spur of the moment purchases on things I really don’t care about.

The end of the year goals spread is pretty self explanatory. It’s all the things I still want to accomplish before the end of 2019.
Then what?
Then you start using your bullet journal! I’m starting mine in October so after these set-up pages I’ll create my October spreads. And when then end of the year rolls around, I’ll create new set-up pages for 2020 and I’ll keep going until I run out of pages.
Check out how I set up my 2019 bullet journal in January here.