Moving is stressful, y’all. But it doesn’t have to be totally overwhelming. I’m going to show you how I’ve been organizing my move in my bullet journal. And I have a free moving printable checklist for y’all at the end of the post!
I think the most stressful part of moving is the timeline of everything. It’s no fun trying to line up when to stop services at your current house and start services at your new one. As well as actually moving all your stuff within a certain time frame. Now, there’s obviously a lot more involved if you’re actually selling/buying a home, but we’re still just renting so that’s what I’m focusing on. Everything I include you’ll still need to do if you are buying, and you can add in your other details. Which is the great thing about bullet journals (and the moving checklist).

My first spread was a super simple brainstorming page to help us find and choose the right house for us. I wrote our ideal budget, location preferences, and house specifics (i.e. number of bedrooms and bathrooms). And then once we started finding houses and looking at them I would write pros and cons for each house. This helped us when it came down to comparing and actually choosing a house.

Once we selected the house and signed our lease, I could really map out our timeline and to-do list. I wrote out all the details of our house and the move-in date. On my to-do list I included things like transferring utility services, packing, donating stuff we won’t be taking, etc. Under expenses is all the deposits and other moving costs. I swear there’s a deposit for EVERYTHING. This is also our first move where we’ll be renting a U-Haul. In the past we just borrowed a friend’s/dad’s truck, but that was when we were moving out of a very small 1 bedroom apartment and had hardly any furniture. We’ve accumulated quite a bit of stuff over the past 3 years living here, so we decided to spend a little extra to make our lives easier.
Speaking of accumulating stuff, moving is a great opportunity to really look at what you own, what you use/need, and what you can get rid of. I made lists of things to donate and things to toss. We’ve already made one trip to the thrift store to drop off a coffee table and a whole bunch of books, but we’ve also decided not to bring our dining table or tv stand (aka a giant buffet) so we’ll probably be taking another trip.

What helped us decide to get rid of our furniture was actually drawing out the blueprint for the house and drawing in our furniture. I used my iPad Pro to draw the blueprint so that I could play around with where I put furniture, and not have to worry about erasing on paper. This was actually SO MUCH FUN and it made me what to buy all new furniture.

So we actually don’t have an Ikea in the state of Louisiana so I’ve never been, but we’ll be going to Texas twice this summer and we’re planning on making a stop at one. The idea mostly started with my love for the Hemnes dresser (thanks to Pinterest), but now that we want a new kitchen table and a few other things I definitely want to take an Ikea shopping trip. I drew out my wishlist in the Procreate app so I can add to it as I think of more things we need/want in our new house.
Don’t forget to download your free moving checklist! Click the download button below!