I’m finally sharing my July bullet journal set-up today! The past week of work has been crazy stressful and when I got home each night I wanted to be lazy and do nothing. I got my bullet journal spreads set-up over the weekend. Kind of like June, I didn’t come up with a set “theme”, but instead a color scheme. I decided to go with red and blue floral accents to be festive for the 4th of July.
More July Inspiration
If you’re still looking for a theme for your July bullet journal set-up, check out these other posts.

*Psst! I made a guide that teaches you how I create my calligraphy and handlettering- all three styles! It’s available in my shop page NOW!
July Cover Page

July Quote Page

I thought this was the perfect quote to include this month. With COVID cases spiking again, I’m still trying to stay at home as much as possible except for going to work.

Monthly Spread

Weekly Spreads