I want to share with y’all how I film all my videos for YouTube and Instagram. I film majority of my videos from overhead so you can see the pages while I’m writing. I was using a cheap tripod and a ring light and it was a struggle to get the angles write. The Canvas Lamp was created to fix exactly this problem!
*Disclaimer: I’m an affiliate for Canvas. I purchased the lamp with my own money, and I genuinely love it- which is why I became an affiliate! Use the code RAE10 to save 10% thru June 30, 2021.

How to Use Canvas Lamp

The Canvas lamp is so easy to use. You put your phone in the clamp and line it up so your camera is looking through the opening. Then adjust your lamp to get the angle how you want and start recording. It’s seriously effortless.
You can also adjust the brightness of the lamp, or use no light at all. There are 3 temperature settings and you can increase and decrease the brightness levels. Even when I’m not filming, I use my lamp when I’m journaling at night or if it’s cloudy out.
If you want to purchase a Canvas lamp, use the code RAE10 to save 10% through June 30, 2021.