It was such a good week around here. After a couple of of really not great weeks, it’s nice for things to be looking up. So nice that even though I don’t have a spread drawn, I still wanted to share some of my favorite things with y’all.

- We signed the lease on our new house! Even though we really only spent two weeks looking for a new house to rent, it feels so good to be DONE. It’s nice to know exactly where we’ll be living starting April 1st! Now we can start all the packing and planning and moving. Did y’all see my post where I showed you how I’ve been organizing our move? I’ve actually been enjoying the process because I know it’s a good change happening. We’re moving a little further out of the city than we are now and I think it’s going to be refreshing. We’ll be close enough to work and everything, but far enough to feel different.
- The Local Natives finally dropped TWO new singles from their new album! And they are SO GOOD. It has been the longest three years waiting for new music and I am so ready for it. I’m hoping they’ll release the full album next week. And now I’m getting really excited to see them live in June! I think I’ll start counting down the days now!
- Did y’all hear about the new Starbucks Iced Cloud Macchiato? It honestly weirded me out at first. Like “egg whites in the foam??” but the more I thought about it it’s really not all that weird. So I tried it yesterday and it was GOOD. It was so light and fluffy and tasty! And it doesn’t hurt that it has less calories that a regular macchiato.
- Mardi Gras was this week and even though we didn’t “celebrate” we appreciated having some time off of work and school. I had half day Monday off and all day Tuesday. I got a lot of packing and journaling down. And I finally met with my sister for a late birthday lunch at our favorite spot.
So that’s about it for me. It was a pretty chill week with lots of good things. What were some of y’alls favorites? Did any of you try the new Cloud Macchiato?