Hey guys! Happy Friday! Today I wanted to tell y’all about my super short, but super fun, trip to Carlsbad, California this week. You might already know that I went to Carlsbad this week if you saw my post last week where I showed what I packed (and how I planned in my bullet journal). So this trip was technically a work trip for Taylor (my husband) and I tagged along because, it’s California! Neither of us have been to California so I was so excited to go and explore a new area!

Because it was a work trip for Taylor his company booked all of his flights, and by the time I booked my tickets his flights were full. Luckily I was able to find my own flights that were basically the same departing and arriving times. So, early Monday morning we headed to the New Orleans airport for our flights and by 1pm(PST) we were in San Diego! Carlsbad is only about a 30 minute drive from San Diego. The hotel they put us in was really nice and was super close to Legoland (which we didn’t go to, but would be really convenient if you were).

So I basically had one full day to explore Carlsbad while Taylor had his training. The hotel had a complementary shuttle to bring you anywhere in the area, so after I ate breakfast (who doesn’t love hotel breakfast?!) I had the shuttle drop me off at Tamarack beach. This was my firs time ever seeing the Pacific Ocean and it was so cool seeing bigger waves and people surfing (something that doesn’t happen on the Gulf Coast). I was a little concerned that people were wearing bathing suits because it was 65 degrees in the morning! Which coming from 100+ degrees in South Louisiana was pretty chilly. It was the PERFECT weather for a walk though.

The have a sea wall trail which is basically a paved sidewalk at beach level that goes from Tamarack Beach to Carlsbad Village. It was so nice to “walk on the beach” without having to walk in the sand. I could not get over how cute the life guard stands were.

It was a probably a little over a half awhile walk until I reached Carlsbad Village and I was ready to do some exploring! Right away it was so cute. It’s basically packed with boutiques, shops, restaurants, and coffee shops. I didn’t have an agenda so I just started walking down different streets. I popped into a few different boutiques, which they all had really cute stuff, but I had no room in my luggage for anything extra. After a couple hours I decided to get lunch from Board & Brew, which was a super casual sandwich shop. And it was pretty good.
So after that, instead of calling the shuttle to come pick me back up I decided to walk back to the hotel. It was just a little over 2 miles and this time I walked the sidewalk next to the road that overlooked the beach. This was such a nice walk, I just put my headphones in and enjoyed the views.

After I got back to the hotel, I checked out the pool for a bit and then took a nice little nap until Taylor got back for the day. We ate dinner together and filled each other in on our adventures. The next morning we had to leave for the airport after breakfast, and then we were on our way back home! It was a really short trip, and so different from anything we’ve ever done before, but I’m so glad we went. I’d love to go back to California again and be able to explore San Diego!