I thought a good way for y’all to get to know a little about me would be to share my 2018 Year-in-Review. These are my favorite types of spreads to make because it’s such a fun way to look to look back at the year.
2018 was actually a really eventful year for me. The first big thing was getting my first “real” job in March. I had been working at my office as a student worker for almost 3 years when one of the full-time employee’s retired. Everyone moved up in their positions and I started on as a financial analyst. It’s been pretty good to me so far, but it’s definitely a tad boring being in an office (with no windows) 40 hours a week.
One of the worst aspects of working an office job is how little you move throughout the day. Sitting at a desk eight hours a day really isn’t good and luckily i was able to start and stick with some healthier habits this year. Taylor and I both started new workout routines and diets and we’ve really just been so much happier and healthier.
My year was full of all things wedding! We took engagement pictures in April, made our own Save-the-Dates (and hand lettered all the envelopes), I had two bridal showers in August and September, and then we got married at the end of October!

We didn’t go on a honeymoon right after the wedding because Taylor is in law school and we needed to wait for his winter break. We were supposed to go to Asheville, but it was the same week they had a huge winter storm go through North Carolina, so we went to Hilton Head Island instead. We had been before and loved it, and it was so fun going in the winter! Everything was decorated for Christmas and it felt like we were the only people staying at our resort all week.

In between all the wedding planning, we did manage to take a little vacation this summer to Austin, Texas ! It was our first time in Austin and we loved it. It was only a weekend trip so I wish we had had more time to explore, but hopefully we’ll make our way back soon!
I’m not proud of how few books I read in 2018. I definitely want to read more in 2019! I usually just read whatever books are available on Amazon Prime Reading because it’s so much easier than committing to buy a book. And then I can just read the book on my phone.
And of course 2018 was the year I started my bullet journal instagram! I started it in the beginning of December so it is still very much new. It was my first step in putting myself out there, but my goal was always to start this blog. Fun fact, I’ve actually never had an instagram before. So, not only was it my first bujo insta, but first one ever!